Fair Work’s CSR Program at NASOM

Fair Work is proud to announce our participation in a meaningful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program at the National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM). Our engagement with NASOM underscores our commitment to supporting marginalized communities and promoting inclusion and empowerment for individuals with autism.

During our CSR program at NASOM, Fair Work generously donated six units of gondolas, which will serve as essential food racks and classroom fixtures. These contributions will enhance the learning environment at NASOM, providing students with the necessary resources for their educational and developmental needs.

In celebration of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, our team brought joy and excitement to NASOM by donating three boxes of ice cream, along with assorted goodies, to all 30 students. Witnessing their smiles and laughter as they enjoyed these treats was truly heartwarming and reaffirmed our commitment to spreading happiness and kindness.

                          As part of our engagement with the NASOM community, Fair Work employees actively participated in a Tarik Tali game with students, teachers, and parents. This interaction not only fostered a sense of camaraderie but also provided an opportunity for meaningful engagement and connection with the NASOM family.


Our visit to NASOM was a humbling and inspiring experience for all of us at Fair Work. We are deeply grateful for the warm welcome and hospitality extended to us by the NASOM team and students.


Moving forward, we are committed to continuing our CSR efforts and supporting organizations like NASOM in their mission to create a more inclusive and supportive society for individuals with autism.



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