What Should I Put In My Resume If I Have No Experiences?


If you’re just getting started in the job market and you don’t have any experience, it can feel like there’s a huge gap on your resume. Whether it’s because you’re transitioning from school to the workforce or you’ve been out of work for some time, having no employment history can be intimidating. If this is your situation, don’t worry—I’m going to show you exactly what should go into your resume when you have no experience!

Project That Had Been Done

The project may have been a research paper for college, or perhaps it was an event you organized for work. Either way, it’s good to include your achievements in this section of the resume. If the project was something that required you to work with others, discuss how well you communicated with them and whether or not they were involved in its success.

In addition to explaining what the project was and what role you played in it, make sure to list any specific responsibilities that were assigned to you. Maybe certain tasks were part of your job description while others were added on as extra responsibilities. There are many ways one can go about listing these additional duties; feel free to be creative!

Was there anything particularly challenging about this job? Did anything unexpected happen during development? If so, mention these details here–they’re great for showing potential employers how well organized and resourceful applicants are when problems arise on projects!


Highlight Accomplishments Instead Of Work Experience

When you’re applying for jobs and have no experience, it can be difficult to figure out which parts of your resume should stand out.

You might think that the obvious answer is “my work experience,” but that’s actually not always the case. In fact, when someone has never held a job before or only has limited experience, highlighting accomplishments instead of work history can actually be more impressive than listing all your past jobs.

What are some examples of accomplishments? Here are some common ones:

  • Volunteering at an organization you care about and using those skills in helping them succeed (like organizing events)

  • Creating something new or solving problems creatively (like coming up with solutions to issues that affect people in your community)

  • Taking on leadership roles in school clubs or organizations

Participating in activities that show you have leadership potential (like serving in an elected position or being a leader on a sports team)

Highlight Your Education

Once you have listed your education, you can begin to describe the skills and knowledge you gained from the courses you took. List any degrees or certifications that relate to the job for which you are applying. If there is anything else about your education that would be relevant to the position, include it too.

If you have received any awards or scholarships, this is an important place to mention them. For example: “I was awarded a full scholarship to study at Yale University as part of their prestigious Doctorate program”

Another important thing to note here is any internships or apprenticeships that were completed while studying; if they are relevant then they should also be mentioned here

Figure 1: Things You Can Put In Resume Without Experiences

It's The Right Time To Make Changes In Your Resume.

You can use your experience during the quarantine to help you get a job.

It’s likely that employers will be looking for someone who has the skills and abilities needed for their business to succeed. To do this, they want people with experience in what they need.

If you have been working on projects that are highly specific to what your employer needs, then this may mean you can use your job history from before the quarantine as evidence that you are qualified for the job after all!


As you can see, there are many ways to make your resume stand out. Make sure that you are up-to-date with the latest trends in the industry, and take time to research what other people have done in similar situations. By doing this, you will be able to put together a great resume that will impress employers and get them interested in hiring you!

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