The 10 Best High-Earning Jobs in Malaysia


This article will provide you with insights on the best high-earning careers in Malaysia, as well as advice on how to get them.

The Malaysian Dream Job is a comprehensive guide to high-earning careers in Malaysia. It provides you with information about the best high-earning careers in Malaysia and advice on how to get them.

How To Find The Perfect High – Earning Career

The world has changed. There are many high-paying careers that you can take up. As we do located some High Paying job jobs as well.

A few decades ago, the best paying jobs were in the financial sector. But now, there are many more opportunities for high-earning careers in other industries as well.

In this article, we have come up with a list of the top 10 best high earning careers for 2018 and beyond.

Top 10 High Earning Jobs in Malaysia

1. Doctor – It is no wonder that the median annual salary for those who work in the medical profession in Malaysia is RM117,200. It is also worth noting that many of these professionals will only earn an average of RM136,000 per year. The percentage of doctors in Malaysia are not up to date. There is a shortage of 38% of doctors in Malaysia, with only 2,263 doctors and 10,000 nurses. Doctors are some of the most important people in the world. They are responsible for caring for millions of people every day, and sometimes they don’t get paid enough.

2 Engineer – The field of engineering has become one of the most valued professions in Malaysia. Engineers are among the highest paid professionals in Malaysia and enjoy an average annual salary of RM66,000 with a 2 highest paying job in malaysia median salary of RM80,000 per year. Job position such as Supply Quality Engineer, Test Engineer, Quality Assurance Engineer, Digital Hardware Design Engineer and etc. Malaysia has a high number of engineers. According to the International Labor Organization, about 9% of the workforce in Malaysia is made up of engineers.

3 Lawyer – Lawyers are among the highest paid professionals in Malaysia. They have a median salary of RM60,000 per year and an average of RM70,000 per year. Lawyers with more experience and higher levels of education will generally have higher salaries than their less experienced counterparts. In addition, lawyers working for larger firms will often earn more than those who work for smaller firms.
4 Tourist – Tourists are one of the highest paid professionals in Malaysia. They have a median salary between RM30,000-RM40,000 per year. Tourism jobs are not only a way to bring income in but also to help rebuild the tourism industry. Jobs such as tour guides, travel agents, and hotel staff are all rising in need after the pandemic.

5 Administrator – Administrators are also among the highest paid professionals in Malaysia. They have a median salary of RM40,000 per year and an average of about RM50,000 per year. Example, System administrators are responsible for the day-to-day operations of servers, laptops, desktops and networks. They monitor their equipment for any signs of malware or system failures and are expected to know how to fix them. System administrators also have to upgrade hardware, software and firmware as needed or when new versions come out such as Linux System Administrator

6. Fashion Designer – Fashion designers in Malaysia have a median salary of RM4,000. They also have an average salary of around RM5,000, based on those surveyed in a reputable university setting.

7. Financial Executive– Financial leaders in Malaysia have a median annual salary of around RM40,000 and an average income of about RM50,000.A Financial Executive in Malaysia can expect to make an average of around RM 50,000 each year and a median income of about RM40,000. As FairWork company do promote job position on Bank Financial Executive

8.Senior Marketing Executive – The median yearly salary of a financial manager is around RM50,000 and the average salary is about RM60,000. Mostly Marketing Executives spend their time conducting market research, analyzing marketing trends, and creating marketing strategies. They then use this information to develop campaign plans and execute them. They usually have to do this on a tight deadline and with a lot of pressure from agencies and clients.

9. Social Worker – Social workers earn a median salary of around RM50,000 and an average income of about RM60,000.

10.Public Relations Specialist– Public relations professionals have a median annual salary of around RM50,000 and an average income of about RM70,000.

Focus on building your values is better than comparing others

Conclusion: Achieving Your Dreams through Career path

Success at your career path of choice is not an easy road. However, with the right approach and mindset, you can be successful at your career path of choice.

Here are some tips to help you achieve success in your career path of choice:

– Have a clear vision for where you want to be in five years and what you want to achieve by then.

– Work on developing your skillset and expertise in that field.

Attend events and conferences related to your field or industry.

Network with people who have the same interests as you do in order to build relationships, find mentors and opportunities for growth.

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